Swiss-German visual artist and composer
Thom Kubli teamed up with MIT Media Lab
to explore the artistic intersection
between art and science in the form
of a speculative future machine.
Kubli, known for his kinetic installation
pieces and transdisciplinary working methods,
reflects on these processes with a poetic
and abstract short film –staring the kinetic
sculpture developed on site.
Shot at MIT Media Lab in Boston, the film is
based on extensive research into making objects
float within the context of an art installation.
The work emanates Kubli´s interest in microgravity
and physically challenging environments.
it engages with the concept of the “state of
exception” as a transgressive mode in social and
political dynamics.
Thom Kubli’s entanglement with film has intensified
in the past years. He collaborated on the algorithmic
horror film production UNINVITED (2020) and recently
produced the soundtrack for the motion picture Echo (2021).